Build Your Yard Backyard Refuge Day

Build Your Yard Backyard Refuge Day

ABQ Backyard Refuge Program on Instagram: "Build Your Backyard Refuge Day is October 21st - 9:30am-1:30pm at @valledeoronwr Over two dozen amazing partners will be there with resources to help you share your space with wildlife. Whether you have an established backyard refuge or are just getting started, there is always more to learn and do to support our wild neighbors! The full schedule of talks and activities will be posted in early October. Join us! Bernalillo County Water Conservation @abqbiopark @plandcollab @arid_lid_coalition @nmsu_ipm @cabqparks_rec @unmsust @nmcommunitygeog @tree_school_nm @yerbamansaproject @nmnaturebydesignllc @bennu.organics @XercesSociety @Centralnmaudubon Bernalillo County Open Space Master Naturalists @Pollinatorsneighborhood @nmdgfg @plantsofthesouthwestabq Friends of Rio Grande Nature Center Friends of Candelaria Nature Preserve Albuquerque Area Extension Master Gardeners Ciudad Soil and Water Conservation District @friendsofvalledeoro"

1 year ago
Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge
7851 2nd St SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105