César Chávez and Dolores Huerta Celebration

César Chávez and Dolores Huerta Celebration

Protect & Preserve Barelas on Instagram: "April 5th NHCC will be having a peaceful March that will start at 10am till about 11:30. The March will start at the NHCC and go North on 4th Street, Turn West on Iron, and turn South on 8th Street returning back to the NHCC. There will be approximately 200+ people participating in the March. APD will be rolling barricades to direct traffic, and a Volunteer security team to ensure the participants only walk on one side of the road. There will be people on foot as well as a couple trailer floats with Mariachis that will use a Karaoke style speaker to sing and play music during the procession. #doloreshuerta #cesarchavez #barelas#communitylove#cultura #herencia #burque505"


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