Dancing Queens

Throw out your calendar! Buy a new calendar! Mark June 10th as the first and ONLY date in your calendar! Pride weekend, all the dancing queens are descending on the Sunshine Theater for the night of all nights. Juicee Früt presents Dancing Queens! Featuring performances by Red Light Cameras, ABBAquerque, Galaxy, Juicee Früt, Drag Performances, Forbidden Früt Market, & much much more! Saturday, June 10th at 7pm at the Sunshine Theater. Tickets at sunshinetheaterlive.com #dancingqueens #abba #abbaquerque #redlightcameras #juiceefrüt #galaxy #downtownabq #abqtodo #abqpride
1 year ago
Sunshine Theater
120 Central Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102