Green Drinks

Green Drinks

Green Drinks ABQ on Instagram: "Please feel free to share this post! We will be having our 6th Green Drinks meetup this upcoming Wednesday, November 1st at the @sawmillmarketabq. We'll be in the back courtyard area with a sign eating, drinking, and talking about what's happening in the environmentalist community across Albuquerque and New Mexico. Please feel free to bring a friend, news to share about what's happening in your world, and ideas for what we can do to make @greendrinksabq better and keep growing! Many thanks again to our sponsors @photonrainbowsolar and @urbanmama505 for sponsoring raffle prizes again. Please send us a DM with any questions, or requests for sponsorship info, and we'll see you soon! #sustainability #albuquerque #greencommunity #greendrinksABQ #regenerative #sustainable #zerowasteabq #zerowastelifestyle #supportlocal #supportlocalabq #webelongtotheearth #earth #newmexicotrue #newmexico #green #resourcemanagement #envrionmental #environmentalstewardship #ecological #ecologicaldesign #ecologicalrestoration #climatechange #greennewmexico 4w"

1 year ago
Sawmill Market
1909 Bellamah Ave NW