Liquid Form: Water in Experimental Form

Liquid Form: Water in Experimental Form

💥UP NEXT💥 LIQUID FORM: water in experimental film * presented on 16mm film! * (multiple) world premieres! * filmmakers in attendance! * accompanying print program! We're psyched to present this very special weekend (two days ~ two programs) of experimental films that incorporate, are inspired by, or focus on water as material and subject. Featuring the work of luminaries such as Barbara Hammer, David Gatten, Stan Brakhage, Paul Sharits, Jacalyn White, and Will Hindle (all presented on 16mm film!) - as well as short films and videos by Ralph Steiner (from 1929), Charles Cadkin (chicago) @documenteurr, Luna Galassini (nm) @lunagalassini, Matt Feldman (london), Vanessa Renwick (portland or) @vorenwick, Justin Clifford Rhody (nm) @justincliffordrhody, Sam Drake (milwaukee) @ekardmas, and JC Gonzo (nm) @jcgonzo. This film series is supported through a generous grant from the Santa Fe Arts Commission. 16mm film prints provided by Canyon Cinema (@canyoncinema) 🏴 Sat April 15th + Sun April 16th (two days - two different programs) doors at 7pm films at 7:30 $5 - $15 suggested donation Free Popcorn - BYO snacks & drinks Future schedule & more info: NoNameCinema.ORG 🏴 SAT APRIL 15TH: Will Hindle - Watersmith (1969, 32 min) - 16mm Stan Brakhage - Window Water Baby Moving (1959, 12 mins) - 16mm David Gatten - What the Water Said Nos 1-3 (1998, 16 mins) - 16mm Sam Drake - Test Objects (2022, 9 min 9 sec) JC Gonzo - Upstream (into America) (2023, 3 min 40 sec) Justin Clifford Rhody - El Rito (2021, 7 min 41 sec) Charles Cadkin - The Fall of Cannonsville (2023, 21 min 26 sec) ​ 🏴 SUN APRIL 16TH: Barbara Hammer - Pools (1981, 6 min) - 16mm Charles Cadkin - Pump (2022, 4 min 42 sec) - on 16mm Jacalyn White - Badwater Next Right (1982, 10 mins) - Super-8mm Matt Feldman - Strange Phenomena (2023, 8 min 52 sec) Vanessa Renwick - Cold Holy Water (2019, 5 min 20 sec) Luna Galassini - Fire Sign (2023, 11 min 19 sec) Ralph Steiner - H20 (1929, 10 min 10 sec) Paul Sharits S:Stream:S:S:ection:S:ection:S:S:ectioned (1971, 42 mins) - 16mm

1 year ago
No Name Cinema
2013 Pinon St, Santa Fe, NM 87505