

The Minnow on Instagram: "SATURDAY 3/16 // 7PM-12AM // $20 - ALL PROCEEDS GO TO GAZA 🤍🕊️ we’re honored to host this one Repost from @earthseedblackarts: “Black American support for the Palestinian cause dates back to the Civil Rights Movement, through prominent left-wing voices, including Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael and Angela Davis, among others. More recent rounds of violence, including the 2021 Israel-Hamas war and now Israel’s unprecedented bombing campaign against Gaza shown live on social media have deepened ties between the two movements. “ “Malcolm X linked Black internationalism with the Palestinian cause, and this created a legacy of solidarity that would influence Black-Palestinian revolutionaries to come. (The Black Panther, 1969)” • Free Palestine is Black Liberation is Indigenous Sovereignty is Queer Liberation is Anti Capitalism is Disability Justice is Gender Justice is Prison Abolition is Collective Liberation. Free Palestine is how all empires fall. It’s time to gather for our brothers, our sisters, and our babies as we continue to stand in solidarity against occupation and genocide! Black DJ’s Against Genocide Hosted by: @cenitabq DJS: @afrofuture_soundsystem @nikeshabreeze @ezrakh @chelseeestewart @imagesintoxicate @ryandemond"

11 months ago
The Minnow
1413 4th St SW
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