Yard Sale Van Party

Yard Sale Van Party

April 21st at north Domingo skate park parking lot. 5pm-9pm Selling the rest of my belongings and work. Come see the van in real life. I’ll be raising money to weather proof the van for summer living and gas money to get on the road. I can spray paint clothes but nothing will have the “happyxloco” brand name written on it any more. Everything for sale will be affordable, cheap and negotiable. thank you everyone who’s been supporting this journey. This will be my last in person event in Albuquerque for quite some time. come celebrate, love, hate, cry and pour out some liquor for “happyxloco” I’m driving the bus but all of you are on board 🙏💓


1 year ago
North Domingo Skate Park
8301 Wyoming Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113