Staples & Sips

ABQ Zine Fest on Instagram: "Hey everybody! We’re knee-deep in ABQZF12 organizing but you know it’s not zine fest without pre-zine fest events, and we have TWO coming up, this week! Come to Staples & Sips at Differential, Mondays — 4:30pm 7:00pm Mondays, Sept 11 thru October 2 STAPLES & SIPS is our long-running zine meetup we like to host, as we approach zine fest day! Come hang out with ABQZF friends and organizers and work on your zines! Sip something refreshing, with or without alcohol, and enjoy yourself a little, after a long day. Also, stay for TRIVIA with the hilarious and unsinkable Lizzie! More events, zine guests, exhibitor’s list and more, coming soon. @maryaerrin @pegasusbelly @ohwoah_really @differentialbrewing Trivia at 7:00pm!!! Thanks, Differential!! #zinestagram #zines #abqzf12 #abq #zinefest #newmexico #brewery"